Sunday, September 15, 2013

Finally, a blog update!

We've decided it was finally time to update the blog! A lot has happened since the last time we posted, so we'll try to split it up a little!

In December our ward donated time and money to make a tree for the Festival of Trees in honor of Lexe. Jenn Heslop and Jackie Jones spearheaded the effort and made the most amazing Lexe Kicks Leukemia themed tree. Her tree was sold for well over what we expected, and all of the proceeds were given to Primary Children's Medical Center.

Thanks Jenn and Jackie!

This April we were able to go on Lexe's Make-A-Wish trip to Hawaii! It was good to get out of Utah and enjoy the sunshine! We were able to do tons of fun activities, eat and go to the beach. The best part of it all was being able to spend time as a family outside of a hospital room. We are very grateful to Make-A-Wish and the time they put into making Lexe's wish one we will never forget!

During the past nine months Lexe has been working her hardest to get back into the physical condition needed to play college level soccer. She trained with Mark and Kyle Aberton, good friends who run an athletic performance lab. She also trained by herself on a daily basis. We were worried that after her PICU stay and the lung trauma she experienced that her lungs would not be able to do what they once could. However after a lung function test in April we were told that her lung function was at 120%. We couldn't be more proud of her! The first week of July we were able to take her down to the University of Arizona as she began her long awaited college soccer career. It was a bittersweet experience- we are so proud of how far she has come, but are sad to see her go.
She hasn't wasted anytime getting back into soccer. She was chosen to be on the traveling team and usually plays around half of each game. She hasn't lost her passion for the game. Nothing is going to stop her!
Lexe is loving the University of Arizona, but we can't wait for her to come home! We love you more Lexe!

Again, thank you for the love and the support you have given our family. We love you!