Sunday, April 29, 2012

Yesterday Ellee Duke, an aspiring song writer, contacted us regarding a song she wrote for Lexe.  The song is called, "I Came to Win".  Ellee and her mother came to Lexe's hospital room and shared the song with us.  We were touched beyond words.  We have attached the song and a video tribute to Lexe.

Today was a great day for Lexe!!!!!


  1. This video and song are awesome!!! You are my hero and I know you can win this battle and kick leukemia! Love you Selly!

  2. are such an amazing young lady!!! You don't know me, but I work with your father (also another amazing person). I've heard how awesome you are from him and now I see it through your pictures, video's and all the updates from your blog. I'm so proud of you and I know & believe~~ you will "KICK" this nasty/bitter illness~ Your a Selman!!! Remember to believe in yourself & your abilities (never give up/never surrender)! God's got big plans for you. I would love to come and meet you, as your my hero and inspiration.
    Hugs & love,
    Janiece Mecham :)

  3. Beautiful! Hallie says to tell you that she prays for you every night. Keep fighting, Lexe!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow, what a beautiful tribute. Stay strong Lexe. I think of you every day and send good thoughts and prayers your way.

  6. Love, love, love! So fitting and perfect!
